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The Flatirons
Twin Lakes Mama
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Twin Lakes Mama
Item Number: B-350 Click to order

Location: Twin Lakes, Boulder, CO

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I was walking slowly trying to figure out where these Great Horned Owls were that people were telling me about. I was feeling like a great nature photographer when all of the sudden I looked up and saw a sign that said "be quiet, you will wake the owls." That is a sign of wildlife if ever there was one. I looked around for a few minutes and gradually noticed a big round lump high in the trees. It was the baby, and the father was very close to him. I shot them for several minutes when someone walking by and asked me if I was going to take a picture of the mom.

I had to ask where. All of the sudden my excellent photographic skills kicked in and I captured this image. If I would have been any closer she would have bit me. I did not even see her, even though i was looking for her. Hey sometimes you just get lucky!