The Flatirons
The Lower Yellowstone Falls
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The Lower Yellowstone Falls

Item Number: A-135 Click to order

Location: Yellowstone National Park, CO

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Framing notes, click to view.

I had been trying to create a vertical large format picture of this for a few years. This is the first time it actually worked. The canyon was well lit and just past full run off. The Yellowstone was running high and the rapids below are mostly killers. In this photo you can see at least four reversals.

A reversal is a spot in the river where the water flows into a seam from both upstream and downstream. It is impossible to escape from should you find yourself in it. It is probably the most dangerous feature you can find in a river, and there are four of them in this picture alone. A-136 will show you this same stretch of river at low water. You can then see the rocks that set up these big drops and reversals.

Rescue from these death traps is all but impossible.

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