The Flatirons
The Cathedral Group
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The Cathedral Group

Zero degrees and very dark it was when I set up for this image. The tripod was difficult to position and after a few minutes my hands were very cold even though I was wearing gloves.

When the Sun first hit the upper peaks, the most beautiful pink was present in a very deep brooding sky. The light on Mount Moran was precious as it lit up the very top of the peak. Sweeping back to the Cathedral Group, the tops were brightly lit and a strong wind was blowing.

The Cathedral Group contains Teewinot Mountain (12,325 feet), Mount Owen (12,928 feet) and The Grand Teton (13,770 feet). The Middle and South Teton Peaks are also visible just to the right of Avalanche Canyon.

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Item Number: A-152 Click to order

Location: Grand Teton National Park, Wy

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