The Flatirons
Mormon Row House - The Moulton Barn
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Mormon Row House

Item Number: A-205 Click to order

Location: Grand Teton National Park, Wy

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There is never enough time to spend in this park. Always new things to see and favorite spots to remember. On this trip I was to visit seven national parks. Three in America and four in Canada. This was the first series of photos I took on this trip. I awoke a few hours before everyone else and drove off to see this old friend, the Moulton Barn. I am only one of many to shoot this iconic scene but just like all my other favorite places, this image gives me great comfort throughout the long snowy winters.

The Mormon Row Houses including the Moulton Barn, are listed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places and nationalized into Grand Teton National Park. It is a romantic reminder of the people that have come before us and the lives they lived. A morning spent here will enrich your life and reinvigorate your soul, and the history attached to this old building will strengthen your understanding of Americana.

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